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Selected Past Exhibitions

Bay Area Maya Festival

featuring Highlights of the Maya Woman Collection

City College of San Francisco, Mission Campus
September 7, 2024

Traditional Dances & Costumes

Workshops on Maya Identity * Storytelling  Poetry * Art

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Maya Women: Life, Art, Hope

Contemporary Maya Paintings from Guatemala


City College of San Francisco, Ocean Campus

Rosenberg Library
August 25, 2023 to December 15, 2023

This exhibition revealed the problems and the beauty of the lives of Maya women today.

Hardworking Woman of San Pedro la Laguna

Domingo Garcia Criado

Maya Cultural Celebration


Mission Campus, City College of San Francisco

September 16, 2023

Traditional Dances & Costumes

Workshops on Maya Identity * Storytelling  Poetry * Art Therapy * Photography * Activism  Tenants' Rights * Housing * Public Benefits

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Maya Spirituality: Indigenous Paintings 1957 - 2020

Latin American Cultural Center

Pittsburgh, PA
September 15, 2022 to July 22, 2023

A joint exhibition by Arte Maya Tz'utuhil and

the Helen Moran Collection, sponsored by the Latin American Studies Association.


Goddess of Corn

Pedro Rafaél González Chavajay


Why the Immigrants Come: Contemporary Maya Paintings and Textiles from Guatemala

City College of San Francisco, Ocean Campus

Rosenberg Library
August 19, 2019 to March 4, 2020

This extensive exhibition revealed many of the problems that force people to migrate, including poverty, violence, natural disasters, and displacement by multinational corporations.


Destruction of Nature

Paula Nicho Cúmez

Maya Cultural Celebration


Mission Campus, City College of San Francisco

Fall 2019

​Maya Fashion Show

Traditional Dances

Workshops on Maya Culture

Community Organizations

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Welcome to Hardworking Immigrant Women!
City College of San Francisco, Mission Campus Lobby

San Francisco, CA
January to May, 2019

Women come to the United States seeking refuge from violence and poverty. They bring their children, whom they are desperate to protect.

It's very hard to become part of a new culture, and not lose your identity.  City College welcomes and respects all immigrant women and men, and we honor their home culture.



Samuel Cumes Pop

Why the Immigrants Come: Anguish and Hope
City College of San Francisco, Mission Campus Lobby
San Francisco, CA
September to December, 2017

The paintings in this small display revealed problems facing indigenous people in Central America, and some of the the dangers that cause them to seek refuge in the United States.

Visiones e Historias: Maya Paintings from Guatemala
Latino Arts, Inc., Milwaukee, WS
March to June, 2017

A career retrospective for two of the most prominent Maya artists today, Paula Nicho Cúmez and Pedro Rafaél González Chavajay.  

Our Cultural Patrimony

Pedro Rafaél González Chavajay

Visiones e Historias: Maya Paintings from Guatemala
Northern Illinois University, De Kalb, IL
January to February, 2017

A career retrospective for two of the most prominent Maya artists today, Paula Nicho Cúmez and Pedro Rafaél González Chavajay.  

Maya Paintings and Weavings

City College of San Francisco, Mission Campus Lobby

San Francisco, CA
May, 2017

This display, sponsored by the student government, highlighted beautiful handwoven Maya blouses and other textiles, as well as a selection of paintings that reflect everyday life.

Huipil from San Juan Cotzal

Maya Women In Art
City College of San Francisco, Ocean Campus, Rosenberg Library
August, 2013 to May, 2014

Students in a wide range of courses came to view this exhibition at the College's main library.  They wrote responses to a number of prompts to help them learn about the life of the Maya.

Honoring Our Women Weavers:  Maya Paintings and Weavings
Oakland Public Library, Cesar Chavez Branch, Oakland, CA
March to April, 2014

This exhibition of textiles and paintings formed the backdrop to a month-long series of events focused on the lives of weavers from Guatemala, Mexico, and El Salvador--as well as local community craftspeople.  

Maya Women in Art
City College of San Francisco, Mission Campus Lobby
San Francisco, CA
August - December, 2013

This extensive lobby exhibit was designed to accompany an international literacy conference focused upon low-educated learners from many different cultures.

Teaching, by Mario González Chavajay

Maya Woman: Life, Art, Hope
Evergreen Valley College, San Jose, CA
March - April, 2013

This exhibition presented visually compelling and very accessible artworks which reveal the lives and struggles of indigenous women in Guatemala. 

Maya Woman: Life, Art, Hope
Cañada College, Redwood City, CA
April - May, 2011

This gallery exhibition plus library display case presented visually compelling and very accessible artworks which reveal the lives and struggles of indigenous women in Guatemala. 

La Mujer Maya:  Maya Woman
Oberlin College, Oberlin, OH
March - April, 2011

This inaugural exhibition featured highlights from the collection.  It was accompanied by a panel discussion on human rights in Guatemala, which included professors, local activists, and the curator.

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Maya Woman

The Helen Moran Collection

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