Videos Featuring the Artists
Introducing Paula Nicho Cúmez
This short film presents the prominent Kaqchikel artist Paula Nicho Cúmez speaking about her background and her art.
Paula Nicho Cúmez: Inspiration
In this short film the artist talks about the sources of her inspiration.
Paula Nicho Cúmez:
My Second Skin
An eminent Maya artist from Guatemala talks about the importance of indigenous dress as a symbol of identity, and how this theme is reflected in her work.
She Is Everything:
Maya Women in the Art of
Pedro Rafaél González Chavajay
This short documentary film features interviews with the eminent Tz'utuhil Maya artist Pedro Rafaél González Chavajay and insightful commentators.
The artist explains, "The deeper I got into the Maya traditions, the more I began to appreciate women." His works reveal Maya women as priests, as mothers and midwives, and as survivors of the 36-year internal conflict in Guatemala. Above all, the Maya women in his paintings represent hope for a world in peril.
Produced by Rita E. Moran and Rick Tejada-Flores
Directed and Edited by Rick Tejada-Flores
Joseph Johnston
Art Director of Arte Maya Tz’utuhil
Barbara Rogoff
Author of Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town
Professor at University of California, Santa Cruz
Kathleen Mossman Vitale
Journalist; Co-founder of Endangered Threads Documentaries
Rita E. Moran
Director of Maya Woman: The Helen Moran Collection
Rick Tejada Flores
Co-founder of Paradigm Productions
Major works include Orozco: Man of Fire; Rivera in America; The Fight in the Fields
Copyright © 2015 Rita E. Moran
All rights reserved.